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A liquidity pool is a smart contract that facilitates decentralized trading and liquidity management. By depositing assets into the liquidity pool, you can receive Liquidity Provider (LP) tokens and participate in the platform’s profit-sharing mechanism.
Users can deposit assets into the liquidity pool to receive LP tokens corresponding to the current net asset value.
Ensure your wallet has sufficient assets (e.g., ETH or ERC20 tokens).
Enter the amount of liquidity you wish to add, or click "Max" to add all available assets.
Upon success, you will receive the corresponding amount of LP tokens.
Users can burn LP tokens to withdraw assets from the liquidity pool, along with a share of the profit based on the net value.
Ensure you have sufficient LP tokens.
Go to the My Pool page, select the pool from which you want to withdraw, and access the removal interface.
Enter the number of LP tokens you wish to burn, or click "Max" to withdraw all available liquidity.
Upon success, your LP tokens will be burned, and you will receive your principal and profits based on the current net value.
Users will be able to withdraw liquidity from other supported chains.
Your LP Token Balance: The total amount of LP tokens you hold, representing your share in the liquidity pool.
Total LP Token Supply in the Pool: The sum of all LP tokens held by all users in the pool, indicating the pool's total size.
Total Trading Fees Collected: The total fees collected by the pool over a specific period through trading activities.
Earnings will automatically accumulate in the pool and be reflected through the LP tokens you hold.
When you remove liquidity, you can withdraw both your principal and the corresponding earnings.
APR (Annual Percentage Rate) is a common metric to measure the return on investment in liquidity pools, indicating the total return over the course of one year.
APY (Annual Percentage Yield) is similar to APR, but it considers the compounding effect, meaning the earnings grow due to periodic distribution and reinvestment.
Utilization Rate is a key factor in calculating the annual percentage rate (APR), indicating the ratio of funds actively used in the liquidity pool compared to the total funds in the pool.
Maker Lends Amount: The amount of liquidity lent by the maker, representing the total funds borrowed out of the liquidity pool.
Total Liquidity Amount: The total liquidity in the pool, which is the sum of all funds.
Idle Amount: The idle funds, typically calculated as the difference between the total inflows and outflows of funds.
Important Notes
Risk Disclaimer: Providing liquidity may involve price and net value fluctuations. Frequent operations may lead to losses.
Security: Ensure you are operating in a secure environment and do not disclose your wallet private keys.
Verify that the pool's liquidity cap has not been exceeded.
Ensure you have granted the necessary token approvals.
Confirm that your signature is valid.
Make sure you have enough network fees to pay for gas
You can check your LP token balance via your wallet or a blockchain explorer.
If the pool is paused, you will temporarily be unable to perform operations. Please wait until the pool resumes.
For additional inquiries, please contact the Orbiter Finance official support team.
Visit and locate the pool corresponding to your asset’s network.